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vimutti 해탈(解脫)

vimutti (f.) [fr. vimuccati] release, deliverance, emancipation

                                     해방. 방출. 석방. 풀려남 해탈(解脫) 


vimuccati [vi+muccati, Pass. of muñcati] to be released, to be free (of passion), to be emancipated :




1. to release, deliver (from=abl.), set free (opp. bandhati

2. to send off, let loose, drop, give

3. to let out of the yoke, to unharness, set free

4. to let go, emit, send forth (light)

5. to send forth (sound); to utter, emit (words etc.)

6. (from 4 & 5 in general) to undertake, to bestow, send forth, let loose on

7. to abandon, give up, leave behind

8. An idiomatic (late) use of the ger. muñciya (with acc.) is in the sense of an adv. (or prep.), meaning "except, besides,"
